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Digestase SDE 340


This product utilizes the powerful waste digesting abilities of natural enzymes and bacteria. It is a blend of special bacteria strains, cultured for their ability to digest and liquefy organic sewage, quickly, efficiently and without odors. Treated systems will reduce BOD and COD faster and more efficiently, enabling the system to treat higher volumes of waste and meet stringent effluent quality requirements. It will help the treatment system to resist temporary disruptions caused by toxic influent, while reducing odors and sludge volume.


For Use In:

  • Sewer systems and drains

  • Trickling filters and oxidation tanks

  • Settling & Imhoff tanks

  • Lagoons

Effective at:

  • Reducing Odors, Grease, Waste, and Sludge.


Quantities:    25 lb.

                        50 lb.

                      100 lb.




Sewer digestant with enzymes
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